Courier Charges to Canada

courier charges to canada


Shipping from Hyderabad to Canada? Finding the most affordable and reliable courier charges to Canada can be a challenge. We offer pocket-friendly shipping rates on a variety of document and package delivery options, so you can choose the service that best suits your needs and budget.

You can ship almost anything via courier from Hyderabad to Canada or any other Country (Subject to the Item is permissible). Please feel free to contact us at +91 91107 56483 / 7386965824.

Now, Book & Send an International Courier to Canada with Aerofast International. We will surely provide you with the required Assistance/guidance for any Custom duty-related Query.

You can compare our courier charges to Canada rate with others so you will get an idea about rates with same quality of service and promising delivery time-

DHL   – 900/- per kg (for a minimum of 10 kg weight)

FedEx – 940/- per kg (for a minimum of 10 kg weight)

AEROFAST rate for Canada Courier – Canada per kg rate – 850/- (for a minimum of 10 kg weight)